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Why Old Art Shows The Future

I’ve been looking at some of my work from 10 years ago, and it got me thinking about something fascinating that I’ve noticed both in my own artistic journey and…

How do you find your wild side?

Ok, so we are stuck inside. Our lives are becoming more predictable. You might be settling into routines. But not all of our life needs to become this way. Your art can become a place of adventure. Unpredictability and wildness can run free in your art practice. And this is…

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What is blue for you?

I almost became a marine biologist. It didn’t take too long to realize, however, that the part of the marine world I loved was its appearance. It wasn’t so much about the science. I just was absolutely mesmerized by the colors of the undersea world. So I figured I could…

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Your art family…

I remember the first time my father complimented something I made. I never forgot it. It gave me the confidence to choose a life that had art as its centerpoint. The motivational speaker Jim Rohn has famously said, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most…

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