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A Game-Changing Pastel Technique
Welcome back to the Art2Life vlog! Ever wondered how to seal pastels so they stay bold and vibrant? Today, I’m sharing a studio technique that’s been a total game-changer for…
Ritter Center House Finished
I finished it. I was happy that there was only 3 sides and not 4. Painting a house is,well, like painting a house…there is a lot of space on the outside of a house!…I am happy that the figure feels like the house and to me really adds something dynamic…
Ritter Center House Roof Detail
This is a detail of one side of the roof. The snakes and ladders are from the original game that later was turned into chutes and ladders- a board game that deals with fate and luck. I created a board game, calendar motif on the house to symbolize the passage…
Ritter Center House Roof Detail
Here is a detail of part of the roof. The words and shapes are scratched and carved into the wood and plaster. I primarily use oil paint but have a whole array of sandpapers and scratching tools that allow me to wear down the layers exposing other colors from underneath….