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When Your Art Starts Feeling Too Familiar…

I’m in the studio working on a new body of work for an upcoming show, and I noticed something that might sound familiar… Even with 4 to 5 paintings going…

5 Ways to Thrive as an Artist

Sometimes being an artist can feel hard, while other times it can feel inspiring and joyful. In trying to keep things more the latter, I try to keep the following five points in mind. All of them are available at anytime and there is no cost involved. I believe they…

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How to Write a Great Artist’s Statement

I received a question from an artist the other day about how to write an artist’s statement. I obviously can’t comment on what anyone can say about his or her work as everyone’s work is different; I do however, have some observations and guidelines that I use for myself regarding…

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Three Ways to Make Your Art Easier

Have you ever noticed in the beginning of making your art that everything feels easy and then, after working for a while it gets more difficult? You simply are not sure what to do next. Progress slows and then interest wanes. Being stubborn, I usually will just continue to try…

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