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When Your Art Starts Feeling Too Familiar…
I’m in the studio working on a new body of work for an upcoming show, and I noticed something that might sound familiar… Even with 4 to 5 paintings going…
Why Do You Make Art?
Yesterday while painting I got to thinking about what exactly this practice of art making is all about. It is such an odd activity. I am always trying to summarize, make sense in the larger context of my life what it is exactly that I am doing. I know art…
5 Things Not to Forget When Making Your Art
I sit here tonight quite moved by all the artists I have had the pleasure to speak with this past week regarding my Art2Life Mentorship Program. I feel very filled, humbled and honored that I not only get an opportunity to meet so many artists, but that I also have…
How to Make your Art Extraordinary
Art Miami 2012. Courtesy Art Miami, LLC. I love going to Contemporary Art Fairs. These are almost like the trade shows of contemporary art. There are paintings and galleries from all over the world. There are a zillion different kinds of paintings, photographs and sculptures strewn through baseball field…