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When Your Art Starts Feeling Too Familiar…

I’m in the studio working on a new body of work for an upcoming show, and I noticed something that might sound familiar… Even with 4 to 5 paintings going…

Where to Find the Answer

Sometimes I get so caught up in trying to finish paintings, or the business aspect of my art, that I can lose track of what I actually am doing in my art. What is this art all about? Where is all this headed? I know that I am dead set…

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The One Thing You Need To Make Amazing Art

When I was just starting out making art, I was utterly focused on the kinds of art materials used by artists that I admired. Over my lifetime, I literally have blown bazillions of dollars in art stores. I think what I loved about new art materials was that each new…

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How to Sell Your Work Easier

Pricing and selling your Art can be challenging. It’s sometimes hard to know how much to charge or what to say, particularly in the spur of the moment when someone, a friend or close acquaintance, comes into your studio and looks at a piece of your art and asks, “is…

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