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When Your Art Starts Feeling Too Familiar…
I’m in the studio working on a new body of work for an upcoming show, and I noticed something that might sound familiar… Even with 4 to 5 paintings going…
Can We See You?
Are you ready to be seen? This seems like a pretty basic question but I am realizing that for many people the answer is not completely a yes. I am speaking of their Art, whatever that may be, but because your Art comes from you, it is actually quite a…
Share Your Work. For You
A couple thoughts on why Instagram has become my new favorite way to share my art with the world.
Where do you go to get out of the rain?
Yesterday I asked a small question but it got a big answer. It kind of took me by surprise. I was standing in the middle of a hum of 20 people busily making art in the Art2life Workshop at Westerbeke Ranch in Sonoma, CA. I asked a question. I just…