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When Your Art Starts Feeling Too Familiar…

I’m in the studio working on a new body of work for an upcoming show, and I noticed something that might sound familiar… Even with 4 to 5 paintings going…

Try this next time…

I think the main challenge in art making is remaining objective. How do you totally focus on this thing you are making—a painting, sculpture etc. without losing your objectivity? We need to see it as it appears for the very first time even though we have been staring at it…

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The Edge of Too Far

I wanted to share this little trick I use when I get stuck on a painting. It really helps me get past any road blocks. What do you do when you feel stuck with your work?

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To Sign or not to Sign

I get a lot of people asking me whether they should sign their art. Whether they should sign it on the front or the back and how big or small or maybe even not at all. So there are no rules. This is a relatively minor thing but still naming…

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