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When Your Art Starts Feeling Too Familiar…
I’m in the studio working on a new body of work for an upcoming show, and I noticed something that might sound familiar… Even with 4 to 5 paintings going…
Keep The Conversation Going
One thing I am always thinking about is making sure I don’t limit myself – here’s how I bring that to my art. How do you not limit yourself?
Stonewalls and Art
Wandering through the northern Italian town of Tirano, I am struck by the very old, stonewalls. They circumscribe every property, miles of village roadways and impossibly steep hillside terraces. They are simply beautiful. Utilitarian but incredibly artful, their refined quality I can still see. This was how hillsides, roads and…
My Favorite Tools
I thought I would take a moment to share with you some of the materials I use most often while painting. They’ve really helped improve my practice. What tools do you use while working? I would really like to know!