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Why some art stays “pretty good” and others become extraordinary

Have you ever gotten to that moment in your work where it’s pretty good… but not great yet? It’s an easy place to get stuck because there’s a lot you…

favorite way to start a painting

My favorite way to start a painting!

Here is a quick way to get paint down on paper, or even canvas. I love starting this way when I don’t have much time and want something to be bold and full of juice. It has everything to do with the way you apply the paint. Let me show…

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question that leads to your best art

The one question that leads to your best art

I used to worry so much about my art. Will it ever be good enough? Will I ever develop my unique style? Will I ever be able to get it out into the world? It turns out I am not alone. I frequently hear these concerns from other artists, too….

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busy or simple

Do you like busy or simple art?

Do you like busy or simple art? There is, of course, beauty in both. I love the complexity of a Persian carpet, but I also am drawn to the sublime, minimal paintings of Mark Rothko. In the end, you want to do the kind of work that brings you alive….

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