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Why some art stays “pretty good” and others become extraordinary

Have you ever gotten to that moment in your work where it’s pretty good… but not great yet? It’s an easy place to get stuck because there’s a lot you…

red fruit with red seeds

The essential ingredient in your Art

One thing is essential in your Art. It pretty much guarantees your progress. It can be lost but also, thankfully, quickly found, especially when we are reminded of it, which is the whole point of this Sunday’s vlog. You might have already guessed, but I am talking about passion. That…

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black and white image of a lady with mirror

Creating Your Art from Within

I’m often asked what it takes to be an artist. There are so many contributing factors. However, there is one that stands out above all the rest. Surprisingly, it is often the one that is overlooked the most. It is quite simple. It is you. It’s about looking inside yourself…

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teaching art design, value pamphlets

Teaching your Art improves your Art

About 25 years ago, I worked in a small isolated studio. I’d work on my art all day long without seeing anyone, and I became lonely. As a result, I came up with the idea of maybe teaching a workshop to get me out around more people. As I was…

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