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A Game-Changing Pastel Technique

Welcome back to the Art2Life vlog! Ever wondered how to seal pastels so they stay bold and vibrant? Today, I’m sharing a studio technique that’s been a total game-changer for…

fortune cookie with quote on pink background

Coincidence or Planned?

Have you ever experienced a coincidence that seems almost planned? It’s as if these moments of synchronicity are meant to teach us something. I notice this happens when I’m more engaged with my art. Here is one that happened to me recently. Check this out. I love these synchronicities for…

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ink blobs yellow, green, blue

The Artists’ Journey

I’ve been thinking about the artist’s journey in terms of a pilgrimage. On a pilgrimage, there’s an expectation that those you meet along your path will expose you to new ideas and expand your horizons. When I was a teenager, I met a stained glass artist who did just that….

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amphitheater stone steps

What if the way it is right now is perfect?

We all experience obstacles and limitations that can hold us back from making our art. It could be a lack of time, having enough space to make our art, or even thinking that we’ll never be good enough. We can so easily believe we need to resolve all the issues…

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