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Three obstacles Art will take away

There are obstacles that get in the way of our art and life. Some are real.  But many of them? They only feel real because we keep thinking about them….

Watch as I finish the last page in my journal…

I’m super excited to be on the last page of my journal! There’s a celebration at the end of one and an anticipation at the beginning of another. Before I switch, I’ve been thinking about the common things I do that show up in all my art. Whether in a…

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Stepping up to work larger

Due to the large size of my paintings, the stools and ladders in my studio are an integral part of my practice so I’d thought I’d show you what I use and why. Of course safety is a big concern, I have fallen before! Here’s what I recommend if you…

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A simple studio set-up tip…

Here’s something I got from a lumber yard a few years ago that I cannot live without! Check it out… Using these wooden blocks helps the painting stay off the ground so all the extra paint drips off, keeping the bottom clean. It’s also easier to work on the painting…

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