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Three obstacles Art will take away

There are obstacles that get in the way of our art and life. Some are real.  But many of them? They only feel real because we keep thinking about them….

Create Cool Effects with Glazing!

If you’re new to this vlog, welcome! This is a place to learn and share. If you have something you’d like to learn, leave a comment. Let’s crowd-source all we know! Last week I showed how I glaze my paintings to harmonize all the colors. Today I want to show…

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Watch how I glaze my oil & acrylic paintings!

The colors in this painting are pretty wild, but watch what happens when I start to glaze it. I’ll first demonstrate how I glaze in oil using transparent paint, a product called Liquin, and odorless mineral spirits. Next I’ll show you the same technique using acrylic paint, gloss medium, and…

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Is it time to wreck your painting?

When I’m not sure if a painting is working or not, it’s time to make a big change. Big changes can help reveal what’s working and what’s not. I’ve made big moves on this piece, and it still isn’t working, but that’s okay because now I feel more committed to…

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