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A Game-Changing Pastel Technique

Welcome back to the Art2Life vlog! Ever wondered how to seal pastels so they stay bold and vibrant? Today, I’m sharing a studio technique that’s been a total game-changer for…

Create Cool Effects with Glazing!

If you’re new to this vlog, welcome! This is a place to learn and share. If you have something you’d like to learn, leave a comment. Let’s crowd-source all we know! Last week I showed how I glaze my paintings to harmonize all the colors. Today I want to show…

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Watch how I glaze my oil & acrylic paintings!

The colors in this painting are pretty wild, but watch what happens when I start to glaze it. I’ll first demonstrate how I glaze in oil using transparent paint, a product called Liquin, and odorless mineral spirits. Next I’ll show you the same technique using acrylic paint, gloss medium, and…

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Is it time to wreck your painting?

When I’m not sure if a painting is working or not, it’s time to make a big change. Big changes can help reveal what’s working and what’s not. I’ve made big moves on this piece, and it still isn’t working, but that’s okay because now I feel more committed to…

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