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Ever tried glaze in your work?

Glazes are one of the simplest ways to bring richness and harmony to your work, but they can also feel intimidating. You put down a layer, and suddenly everything shifts….


‘KALAHARI’ 60′ X 60′ OIL AND BEESWAX ON PANEL BAOBAB TREE IN BOTSWANA Painting when you feel different creates different paintings. I wanted to make a painting that felt like but not necessarily was a representation of the feeling of Botswana. The rawness and extreme earthiness of the place was…

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AMAZING PLANT FORMS…. Just returned from a month in Africa. Jen and I brought our two daughters Lyla (14) and Hannah (12). Besides seeing amazing animals on Safari we spent some time volunteering at The Esibonisweni School, an Elementary School in South Africa. It was truly inspiring to feel the…

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Paintings Leaving for Show

“Tangerine” 60″ x 60″ oil and beeswax on panel. #8309 Paintings waiting outside to be picked up by the delivery truck. Clearing out the studio of all the paintings I have been working on for Santa Fe. This orange one, done last and as “extra credit” is my favorite. There…

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