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Ever tried glaze in your work?

Glazes are one of the simplest ways to bring richness and harmony to your work, but they can also feel intimidating. You put down a layer, and suddenly everything shifts….


For Valentines day I bought my daughters small tins of gourmet jellybeans. Hannah left for a week on a school field trip to Quebec and accidentally left it in my studio. This is a temptation too great for any person, especially me already weakened by the prospect of facing a…

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Overturned Stones

This idea of crappy painting in the beginning always reminds me of Anne Lamott, the Bay Area writer who said “I always do a shitty first draft” I think about that a lot when beginning a painting. It’s much easier and in the end, because you don’t care, there sometimes…

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In the beginning I just lay down whatever I am thinking about… trying not to judge whatever it is or wether it looks good or not. This painting is at the stage that I don’t really like too much of what is presently there. It feels simplistic, thin and overly…

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