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Ever tried glaze in your work?

Glazes are one of the simplest ways to bring richness and harmony to your work, but they can also feel intimidating. You put down a layer, and suddenly everything shifts….

Organizing Messy Things

Sometimes in all the information one comes across on the internet you find a little something that is helpful–the following post might be one of those, especially if you are a painter. The paint organizer shown below is a very helpful tool for the studio that I now cannot imagine…

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Potency of Place

I came across this abandoned farmhouse in Point Reyes, Ca. This incredibly beautiful area is bordered on 3 sides by the sea and Tomales Bay and is now a national park. Coast Miwok Indians lived here for Milllennia, and then in the 1850’s immigrant dairy farmers arrived by boat from…

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Parts are Excellent

As I was putting together another email announcement of a show the other day I was thinking about how, depending on my feeling about my work at the time, this process can be easy or rather hard. I am not sure if most everyone understands that part of the process…

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