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Three obstacles Art will take away

There are obstacles that get in the way of our art and life. Some are real.  But many of them? They only feel real because we keep thinking about them….

Finding new ways to work with acrylic paint…

Happy Sunday! Since working with acrylics on large paintings is new to me, I’ve had to figure out ways to slow the drying time like oils have. I came up with a super simple solution that I’m excited about and I have to share it with you! Check it out……

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Create cool textures with this!

Happy Sunday! I want to share a new tool I’ve been using that creates the coolest texture! It’s a paint roller without the cover. I just picked it up and started rolling it and I love how it cuts through the semi-dry acrylic paint to create unusual textures and marks….

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A simple tip for pricing your work!

Welcome back to the Sunday Vlog! I recently had some collectors in my studio. I showed them available work, and they asked about prices as expected. This topic used to be stressful for me, but not anymore. And here’s why… This list removes the vulnerable emotions around selling something so…

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