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Three obstacles Art will take away
There are obstacles that get in the way of our art and life. Some are real. But many of them? They only feel real because we keep thinking about them….
New Years Day Letter
This is a small painting 12″ x 12″ I made as a demonstration painting during the last workshop taught at Esalen, CA. All the paintings we work on are always done on this great size of 12″ x 12″. We use 1/4 Birch ply primed with gesso which makes a…
Memories in Stones
Pavel Stransky, 91, uses the metaphor of a balance scale to describe his life. One side is filled with darkness and bitter sadness while the other is filled with lighter moments, love and forgiveness. When I asked him which side weighed more he softly said the darker side. As a…
Memories in Stones
Memories in Stones Pavel Stransky, 91, uses the metaphor of a balance scale to describe his life. One side is filled with darkness and bitter sadness while the other is filled with lighter moments, love and forgiveness. When I asked him which side weighed more he softly said the darker…