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Three obstacles Art will take away
There are obstacles that get in the way of our art and life. Some are real. But many of them? They only feel real because we keep thinking about them….
It takes a Village
Why is it easier to attempt challenging things when your part of a group? This morning I arrived for Xfit class and waked in on the endof th eprevious class that starts at 5:15 in the morning. I stood there half awake firstly wondering what th ehell I was doing…
Mistaken Paths
How much do we influence each? When does influence become copying? These are all questions that all artists have to answer for themselves. If we are honest, we can all say, that at certain times we have copied others work. Nobody wants to admit this-it is so much better to…
The upside and the downside of making art or being creative is that over time it seems to make you more sensitive to your environment. Sometimes I like this and sometimes I don’t. Every year “Fleet Day” comes to San Francisco and the Air Force spends a long weekend flying…