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Three obstacles Art will take away
There are obstacles that get in the way of our art and life. Some are real. But many of them? They only feel real because we keep thinking about them….
I just came across a painting I made about 25 years ago. It was an assignment I did in school. The teacher handed out fortune cookies and after we all ate them we were supposed to create a picture that communicated the fortune that was inside. Mine was a reminder…
About 10 years ago I had an art show in Santa Fe. The gallery decided to take an ad out in Art News magazine to publicize the show. I thought long and hard about which painting I wanted in the ad as I knew that the whole show was riding…
Art is a reflection of who you are. This makes it both compelling and at the same time kind of nauseating. Although most people, and I am certainly in this camp, find the subject of themselves pretty interesting. If you ever don’t know what to say to someone, my Father always…