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Three obstacles Art will take away

There are obstacles that get in the way of our art and life. Some are real.  But many of them? They only feel real because we keep thinking about them….


Usually I know what I want to write about. For some reason this week nothing has emerged. I don’t feel particularly crazy busy in my life, which is usually the precursor to feeling uncreative. Actually everything feels pretty spacious. For me this is usually the set up for being creative….

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I am wondering about why some people care so much about how things look. I know I do. I notice when things in my world don’t look too good generally they don’t work so well either. The thoughtlessness of design often crosses both appearance and utility. I see the outside…

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I am going back to my old high school as part of “career day” this week. There are some designers coming, an owner of an ice cream store and probably a few others, maybe a lawyer, perhaps even an astronaut, all assembled to talk about different careers. Everyone has advice…

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