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Three obstacles Art will take away

There are obstacles that get in the way of our art and life. Some are real.  But many of them? They only feel real because we keep thinking about them….


One of the biggest annual Art Fairs in America is Art Basel, held in Miami, Florida. It is massive and goes for almost a week. I have never seen so much art in one place. I wasn’t sure why I went except for the fact that there is pretty much…

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I have a solo show in about 5 months. It is going to be at Caldwell Snyder Gallery,in San Francisco, opening June 4th, 2014. What will I make? Will it be more interesting than what I’ve made before? There is a certain amount of worry beginning to pile up, of…

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I had dinner with my friend, artist and designer Tom Stanley the other night. We both attended Art Center College of Design together umpteen years ago. The conversation meandered around to our artistic paths, our careers and what was hard in the beginning that was not now. Tom said that…

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