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Three obstacles Art will take away

There are obstacles that get in the way of our art and life. Some are real.  But many of them? They only feel real because we keep thinking about them….


I recently posted a painting on Facebook. It was one of those posts that you kind of cringe as you post because it was in a stage that I didn’t like. I had a tough time with this painting and at the end of the day I pretty much had…

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I was just visiting my father, who is an artist, in Ashland, Oregon. He mentioned that because of some health reasons he had stopped painting. It had been a few months. I asked him if he missed it and he said he did but, at the same time, he reasoned…

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This week I have been working on several paintings that are mostly black and white. Interestingly what I have learned or rather relearned has to do with color. In the beginning of making a painting I am not thinking too much about color. I tend to think more in black…

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