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What Happens After You Unstick Your Art?

Hey Everyone, welcome back… Remember last week when I showed you a hack I use when I’m stuck in my painting Today, I’m going to show you what happened next…


Every Xmas tree lot looks the same. Most of the trees are around 6 ft. They all are triangular shaped and green. The prices are different depending upon certain looks and models of trees. I think the noble fir is the most expensive although you can’t see this difference unless…

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Above: “Stenographic Figure” by Jackson Pollock.  1942. 40″ x 56″   A name is a placeholder for something. A title is another version – albeit a tiny one – of a work of art. What makes a great name? In the baby books they warn parents to be to stay…

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Six weeks ago I had an operation on my Achilles tendon. There was a small tear that probably occurred from years and years of trail running. After this particular surgery you can’t put any weight on your foot. As a result you are on crutches all the time and, as…

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