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Three obstacles Art will take away
There are obstacles that get in the way of our art and life. Some are real. But many of them? They only feel real because we keep thinking about them….
Photograph: Armosa Studios. I just returned from the World Domination Summit held in Portland, Oregon. This is a summit that explores how to create an unconventional life in a conventional world. Its key three core values are community, service and adventure. Many of the participants are entrepreneurs, bloggers and…
Accomplishing what we want is very challenging. Whether it is a book project, a series of paintings, a new website or any new creative challenge in our life, often the things that seem worth doing are multi-stePPed, unfamiliar and complicated. However one of the primary reasons people don’t achieve what…
I just returned from the annual ArtLife Mentorship retreat which was held at the Gabilan Ranch in San Juan Bautista, Ca. There were about 20 artists there. We spent the time painting, discussing art practices, eating great food and even managed to squeeze in some dancing. On the second day,…