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The Mistake We All Make in Art

The big mistake we all make—myself included—is not going far enough in the beginning. It makes sense why we hold back. When we push too far, our work often looks…

Where do you go to get out of the rain?

Yesterday I asked a small question but it got a big answer. It kind of took me by surprise. I was standing in the middle of a hum of 20 people busily making art in the Art2life Workshop at Westerbeke Ranch in Sonoma, CA. I asked a question. I just…

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Let A Madman Work On Your Art

Sometimes using an orbital sander will change everything. You can check it out at

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Stonewalls and Art

Wandering through the northern Italian town of Tirano, I am struck by the very old, stonewalls. They circumscribe every property, miles of village roadways and impossibly steep hillside terraces. They are simply beautiful. Utilitarian but incredibly artful, their refined quality I can still see. This was how hillsides, roads and…

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