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Why Old Art Shows The Future
I’ve been looking at some of my work from 10 years ago, and it got me thinking about something fascinating that I’ve noticed both in my own artistic journey and…
Stonewalls and Art
Wandering through the northern Italian town of Tirano, I am struck by the very old, stonewalls. They circumscribe every property, miles of village roadways and impossibly steep hillside terraces. They are simply beautiful. Utilitarian but incredibly artful, their refined quality I can still see. This was how hillsides, roads and…
My Favorite Tools
I thought I would take a moment to share with you some of the materials I use most often while painting. They’ve really helped improve my practice. What tools do you use while working? I would really like to know!
Try this next time…
I think the main challenge in art making is remaining objective. How do you totally focus on this thing you are making—a painting, sculpture etc. without losing your objectivity? We need to see it as it appears for the very first time even though we have been staring at it…