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Why Old Art Shows The Future
I’ve been looking at some of my work from 10 years ago, and it got me thinking about something fascinating that I’ve noticed both in my own artistic journey and…
It Takes A Long Time To Become Young
Have you ever noticed that when you are making your art and it is all working out that it is almost as if you are not entirely there? You are driving the bus but it seems like you do not have to try very hard. Almost like it is driving…
Learning To Let Go
I was looking at several nearly finished pieces and I noticed something: with this new body of work, I’ve been leaving more of the original first marks I make, as opposed to covering everything up. This is a bit different from what I normally do, and I am liking this…
Where To Find Your Best Art
If we are thinking about other people’s work when we are making art, then we are not really making our own art. The activity of comparing, admiring, and imitating other people’s work is a very different activity than making your art. These two activities should be kept far apart as…