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Texture Techniques: When to hold back, when to let go

I want to share something exciting about creating texture in your art. Have you ever noticed how some surfaces feel richer and more alive than others? The secret often happens…

Movement and Scale

Working larger is amazing, but it often requires a subtle shift in your approach to art making. Watch the video and see what I do when I’m starting a big, new piece. In gratitude, Nicholas

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Making your art great before you begin.

I teach a lot about differences in art making. Differences between colors, shapes and textures, values and even emotions. The thinking being, that a bright color will look even brighter if paired with its opposite. A dull color. A light shape will look even lighter next to a dark shape….

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In Between the Lines

As you might have noticed, a lot of my work revolves around the concept of difference – a dark shape next to a light shape, a subtle mark next to a bold mark, and so on. Sometimes, however, these elements are too separate from one another, and as a whole…

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