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Texture Techniques: When to hold back, when to let go

I want to share something exciting about creating texture in your art. Have you ever noticed how some surfaces feel richer and more alive than others? The secret often happens…

A Different Frame Of Mind

I recently tried something new – I started working on a piece of canvas pinned to a wood panel. What ended up happening was totally unexpected and so cool! Watch the video and let me know what you think – what happened when you brought something new to your practice?…

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Three Words That Can Save Your Life.

One of the challenges I have found in making my art is to remember where it is all headed. One day I catch glimpses of the direction of my art and this informs each individual painting I am working on. It infuses them with clarity and potency. But then a…

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Be Bold

I just started working on a painting and already it’s looking pretty good. The problem with this is that it’s too early for this piece to be anywhere near finished. In order to move forward I’m going to have to push the composition and in effect ruin the piece a…

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