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Why Old Art Shows The Future

I’ve been looking at some of my work from 10 years ago, and it got me thinking about something fascinating that I’ve noticed both in my own artistic journey and…

The Biggest Reason To Make Your Art

I have just one thought this week and it keeps coming up again and again for me. It has to do with one of the primary, worthwhile reasons to make your art. It has nothing to do with what you hope to get out of it. Not monetarily. Not even…

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Remove to Refine

Art making is so often a process of adding, removing, and then adding again. I do this constantly with lines, which are some of my favorite marks to make. Watch the video and let me know what you think – what are some of your favorite marks? In gratitude, Nicholas

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It Takes A Long Time To Become Young

Have you ever noticed that when you are making your art and it is all working out that it is almost as if you are not entirely there? You are driving the bus but it seems like you do not have to try very hard. Almost like it is driving…

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