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Texture Techniques: When to hold back, when to let go

I want to share something exciting about creating texture in your art. Have you ever noticed how some surfaces feel richer and more alive than others? The secret often happens…

This will grow your Art

I think we are all slowing down. Many of us are getting a little more time to make art. But many are doing something else. They are planting gardens. I know this is true for me. I was drawn to gardening because I was so sick of being inside. So…

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Answer this and your art will take off

What do I do now? This is the burning question I hear from artists more than any other. We ask teachers, artists, friends and just about anyone who might have a clue. But this question is not best answered by others. It is answered by you. And that’s what today’s…

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This will change you and your art

Ever notice you become bored in your art and life if things stays the same for too long? We feel alive when something different shows up. It happens when the sun shines after a week of overcast days. It can happen by adding a bright pink color to a drab…

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