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Ever tried glaze in your work?
Glazes are one of the simplest ways to bring richness and harmony to your work, but they can also feel intimidating. You put down a layer, and suddenly everything shifts….
Struggling with perfectionism? Check this out…
I’m still in Morocco, and everyone is at lunch, so I’m taking time to make art! While painting, I’ve been thinking about a powerful moment we experienced during our morning session. A big takeaway from these retreats was made crystal clear. Here’s the story… One of the artists shared that…
How to make significant changes in your art and life…
I’m now in Marrakech, Morocco just after teaching an enlightening Retreat in Portugal. It amazes me how much I gain from these experiences with others! During the week I was reminded how to make significant changes in your art and life. Here’s how I see it… It’s about owning who…
Allow your art to shift how you feel…
I’m in Portugal for an Art2Life Retreat. A cool question came up on the first day that I want to share with you. It’s such a common issue. Watch here… I often talk about staying connected to your feelings to make your best art…but what if you don’t like how…