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Three obstacles Art will take away

There are obstacles that get in the way of our art and life. Some are real.  But many of them? They only feel real because we keep thinking about them….

art flow

How to get into the flow of your art

Today I am joined by Gay Hendricks, author of “The Big Leap,” and his new book “The Genius Zone.” Gay is a world-renowned expert on “connecting to our genius,” that flow state, and offers a deeper understanding of what exactly this is and how to access it. Have a listen…

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How to change intimidation into inspiration

I used to think the more great art I saw of others, the more inspired I would become – not just in my art, but also in my desire to make it. One of the best places to see a ton of great art is at Art Basel in Miami…

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fine art

What is fine art?

I define “fine art” as what I would make if I could make any art I wanted. For many years I supported myself by making illustrations. Sometimes I liked doing it, but mostly not. However, to start making my fine art seemed way out of reach. It seemed like a…

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