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Three obstacles Art will take away

There are obstacles that get in the way of our art and life. Some are real.  But many of them? They only feel real because we keep thinking about them….

Going beyond excellent in your Art

Going beyond excellent in your Art

I’ve recently finished making some new paintings for an upcoming show. Some are better than others, but overall, I am happy with them. I would say they are pretty good. Even so, I am always left wondering how I might go beyond just good. It seems that making excellent, good…

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Going narrow instead of wide in your art doodles

Going narrow instead of wide in your art

One can include so much in their art, but having too much can become a problem. It becomes difficult for the viewer to know what the art is about if it includes all things equally- lines, colors, shapes, textures. Showing everything ends up diluting them, and the impression is less…

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love is connected to art


Art-making is easier when I’m feeling happy and connected to myself. I call this a flow state— creativity flows. But, of course, there are times when I lose that connection and question everything and get stuck. One way I think about flow state is to remember that it all has…

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