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Three obstacles Art will take away

There are obstacles that get in the way of our art and life. Some are real.  But many of them? They only feel real because we keep thinking about them….

black and white image of a lady with mirror

Creating Your Art from Within

I’m often asked what it takes to be an artist. There are so many contributing factors. However, there is one that stands out above all the rest. Surprisingly, it is often the one that is overlooked the most. It is quite simple. It is you. It’s about looking inside yourself…

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teaching art design, value pamphlets

Teaching your Art improves your Art

About 25 years ago, I worked in a small isolated studio. I’d work on my art all day long without seeing anyone, and I became lonely. As a result, I came up with the idea of maybe teaching a workshop to get me out around more people. As I was…

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pretty blue bowl, spices, apple, grapes, and nuts

How to keep your Art Conversation going

How can we fit an art practice into a busy life? The stress of finding the time can cause you to stop making art. Getting into the studio frequently to keep the artistic fire burning is hard to pull off. However, connecting with your art in other ways daily can…

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