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Enhance Your Life through Art

We tend to overcomplicate things. We tend to worry about things that haven’t happened yet. We routinely think we are not good enough, not talented enough, or lacking in some…

man in green shirt lying on field with dandelion

Letting Go to Find Your Way

Do you ever give up trying to resolve a painting? First, it can seem like nothing will work. Then, finally, you get to the point that you want to give up. I experience this all the time. What’s surprising is what can happen next. At the point of giving up…

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greens along a wide road

Being Our Best Selves

Recently I planned a getaway to a beautiful retreat spot. It’s always great to do but I was surprised to find that after a day of downtime, I just wanted to paint and so I left. Getting back to the studio felt so good. It quenched something in me and…

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autumn coloured leaves

Maintaining Connection in Difficult Times

The news can feel heartbreaking. I try to live and teach that to keep making our best art, we need to keep our focus on the internal instead of the external news. Paying attention to how we are feeling, what inspires, and what brings us alive is truly helpful. However,…

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