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Enhance Your Life through Art

We tend to overcomplicate things. We tend to worry about things that haven’t happened yet. We routinely think we are not good enough, not talented enough, or lacking in some…

Take a look inside my sketchbook…

I’m coming to the end of one of my sketchbooks. Before it gets tucked away on a shelf, I thought it’d be cool to show you some of its pages. After all, the point of this vlog is to inspire, and you might want to try making a book like…

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A time-saving tip to take to your studio

Here is a simple tip that helps me stay in a flow as I paint. It could help you too! I use color-coded bins to keep my paints organized. My paint tubes get so messy that I can’t even tell what color is in them. But if I take them…

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The three stages of art-making

I love this Sunday Vlog because it’s a casual place for me to talk about ideas that come up when making my art. So if you’re new to the Art2Life Vlog, welcome! I encourage you to leave a comment so we can keep the conversation going. Today I’m looking at…

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