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Ever tried glaze in your work?
Glazes are one of the simplest ways to bring richness and harmony to your work, but they can also feel intimidating. You put down a layer, and suddenly everything shifts….
“If it’s not a “YES!!” – then it’s time to change it!
It’s valuable to show your work to others because you gain objectivity. I recently showed this piece to my gallerist. She didn’t like the big brown area, and others reacted similarly. I looked at the painting with fresh eyes, and uncertainty bubbled up. Of course, you don’t want to adjust…
Join me as I start my next painting!
My favorite part of the art-making process is starting a new piece! Applying the first layers of paint in any way, in any color, is so fun! It’s the best time to experiment and play, because anything you do will be more exciting than a blank canvas. So, even if…
Watch as I finish the last page in my journal…
I’m super excited to be on the last page of my journal! There’s a celebration at the end of one and an anticipation at the beginning of another. Before I switch, I’ve been thinking about the common things I do that show up in all my art. Whether in a…