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Enhance Your Life through Art

We tend to overcomplicate things. We tend to worry about things that haven’t happened yet. We routinely think we are not good enough, not talented enough, or lacking in some…

Ritter Center House Roof Detail

Here is a detail of part of the roof. The words and shapes are scratched and carved into the wood and plaster. I primarily use oil paint but have a whole array of sandpapers and scratching tools that allow me to wear down the layers exposing other colors from underneath….

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Ritter Center House Roof Detail

Here is a detail view of part of the roof… The words and some of the shapes are carved into the plaster and wood. The paint is all oil and is applied with paper towels, brushes and transfers. I use sandpaper and different kinds of abrasive materials to remove paint,…

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Rooftop Man

After I got the figure more defined I ran into a little problem with the hand held disc sander I started with..I couldn’t define any details and it wasn’t allowing me to carve as carefully as I needed. I called up Joe Brubaker Joe Brubaker – Sculpture a sculptor who…

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