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Why some art stays “pretty good” and others become extraordinary
Have you ever gotten to that moment in your work where it’s pretty good… but not great yet? It’s an easy place to get stuck because there’s a lot you…
Change Your Thinking to Better Sell Your Art
There are many challenges facing artists but one of the most pervasive, especially with artists who are just beginning, is selling their art. Whether you sell your work or not does not matter, of course, although many people do want this outcome. I know I did when I started. I…
How Your Dreams Come True
Do you ever feel like starting all over? I love art making because in a way you get to start over every time an artwork is finished and another is begun. But I am also talking about big changes such as switching careers, or doing something entirely different or starting…
How is it Going?
I am often asked how my career is going. There is a real curiosity especially amongst friends and acquaintances that are not artists. They just cannot fathom what it must be like to be doing something all day long that is entirely self-generated. There are no deadlines, except those we…