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Why some art stays “pretty good” and others become extraordinary

Have you ever gotten to that moment in your work where it’s pretty good… but not great yet? It’s an easy place to get stuck because there’s a lot you…

How to Know When You Need to Change Your Art

It seems once you arrive at a good place with your work, in no short time, this place begins to lose its appeal. Over time it even can become boring. The only way out of this is to change our work. Knowing how or when to change is not always…

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Improving Your Art the Easy Way

I have noticed an interesting thing about how I learn and improve my art. I used to think the more time I spent painting – meaning the actual, physical time I spent working hard – was in direct proportion to how much my work improved. Over the years, working hard is…

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The Thinking That Can Save Your Art

One of the trickiest parts of being an artist is maintaining momentum. I struggle with this and I also am amazed at how many artists that I work with do too. The making of Art can be super hard and then it can feel easy and effortless. It is a…

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