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Why some art stays “pretty good” and others become extraordinary

Have you ever gotten to that moment in your work where it’s pretty good… but not great yet? It’s an easy place to get stuck because there’s a lot you…

Why it’s Great to be an Artist

I get up super early these days and ride my bicycle to the studio. This time of year it is quite cold and almost dark when I start. There are not too many people up yet and sometimes I feel I shouldn’t be either. The cars that speedily pass me…

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How to Happily Make Art for Someone Else

The wonderful thing about fine art is that you get to make what you want. Making Art at its best is unbridled personal expression, free of concerns for making it a certain way or pleasing anyone beside yourself. There are very few things one can do in life that carry…

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3 Steps to Make Your Dreams Come True

If you have a dream, something you are passionate about achieving in your life, sometimes it can be reassuring to look back a few years. How did you previously accomplish something that is now present in your life that was at one time just a dream? I do this all…

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