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Texture Techniques: When to hold back, when to let go

I want to share something exciting about creating texture in your art. Have you ever noticed how some surfaces feel richer and more alive than others? The secret often happens…

My Favorite Tools

I thought I would take a moment to share with you some of the materials I use most often while painting. They’ve really helped improve my practice. What tools do you use while working? I would really like to know!

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Not One, But Six

I wanted to share with you a little about my painting process, and the importance of working on multiple pieces at once. Watch the video and let me know what you think. Do you work on several paintings at the same time? In gratitude, Nicholas

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The Bold and the Subtle

I was working on a painting today and was having a bit of difficultly figuring out where to go next…and then the solution hit me! Click on the image to watch the video and let me know what you think – how do you get past potential roadblocks in your…

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