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Ever tried glaze in your work?
Glazes are one of the simplest ways to bring richness and harmony to your work, but they can also feel intimidating. You put down a layer, and suddenly everything shifts….
Choosing the perfect finish….
In art and life, we all get stuck at times and don’t know how to move forward. Whenever this happens to me, I’m reminded that the answer is always the same—just try something! This just came up for me as I was completing my newest work. I wasn’t sure what…
The Canvases Are Off!
My show opens this week and we’re at the final step — getting the work to the gallery! All the canvases are now removed from the support panels they’ve been stapled to and are ready to go. Here’s the process… The canvases will be stacked, rolled, and flown to Julie…
Check out the largest painting for my show!
I’m standing in front of the largest painting I’ll be showing at Julie Nester Gallery at the end of July. This has been fun to work on! The painting is much looser and more direct than the other paintings in the show, but it will still fit in with this…