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Texture Techniques: When to hold back, when to let go

I want to share something exciting about creating texture in your art. Have you ever noticed how some surfaces feel richer and more alive than others? The secret often happens…

How to choose better colors, quicker.

Is it hard to choose the right colors when creating your art? I used to really struggle with this. I would spend a ton of time changing colors and in the end the colors I ended up with were not really any better. And then I started choosing colors in…

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Improve Your Life And Your Art

Our art is really just a sequence of choices. A series of “Yes I like this”, or “No, I don’t like that” decisions. In the end it is all about discernment. To get good at this we need to practice. Not just in our art but also in our life….

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What does your Design look like from 30,000ft?

Hi, for the past 2 days I have been talking about Design because the Art2life Free Workshop has started! Go here to grab your spot! We just started with lesson 1 Design and have 3 to do over the next week. Today I am talking about the importance of seeing…

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