Being Not Doing in 2024 – Nicholas Wilton – Ep 115
January 3, 2024
So much of annual planning has to do with all the things we want to accomplish in 365 days. But what if we started our planning process with the question: How do I want to feel in 2024? Join me as I discuss a few different approaches to planning and prioritizing your year to make it the best one yet.
Listen if you are interested in…
- Allowing the seasons to complement your life and art practice [2:19]
- Becoming the curator of your life [12:16]
- Staying present in our priorities [15:24]
- Gathering the five ingredients for a perfect day [24:36]
Changing with the tides, flowing with the seasons
In a world where time races on, I’ve discovered a different pace. A way to align my life with the natural flow of seasons. It’s not about sprinting through a relentless year, but rather embracing the cyclical nature of our existence. Inspired by the wisdom of entrepreneurs and guided by the insights of my girlfriend, I’ve come to realize the beauty in organizing my life with the seasons. Winter isn’t just cold; it’s a time for introspection, a season of quiet being. Spring bursts forth with energy, fueling my creative endeavors. Summer invites a more restful pace, a time to recharge amidst playful moments. Fall, a period of transition and renewed focus propels me into action. Like the ebb and flow of tides, life’s rhythm isn’t about constant hustle but a symphony of being then doing, complementing each other effortlessly. By attuning ourselves to these natural patterns, we can find a more harmonious way of navigating the ever-changing currents of life and art.
Life, uninterrupted
Planning for the year ahead isn’t just about organization, it’s about curation. We need discernment, delving into the core of our beings to identify what truly resonates. It’s a path leading to authenticity, clarity in desires, and envisioning the unencumbered self. As my girlfriend so poignantly asked: Who would you be if you were uninterrupted? This idea transcends mere resolutions. It’s a canvas where limitations fade, allowing a vivid portrayal of aspirations. As an artist crafts a masterpiece, so do we sculpt our lives, pouring energy and focus into the artistry of our existence. Our lives, our very essence, are the grandest masterpiece we create. What lies within our bones, longing for expression? Who could we become if barriers dissolved? This is what Art2Life is all about. Taking those willing on a transformative journey, transcending the mundane, and propelling us closer to an aesthetic, authentic life.
Show up for what’s important
It’s not enough to simply know what our priorities are. We have to be present for them as well! I have the tendency to say “yes” to everything (especially at the beginning of the year), which only leads to more and more overwhelm as the weeks and months tick by. If we don’t have clarity around what’s important, we run the risk of turning into a burnt-out mass of availability. Always saying yes, but never fully present with what’s in front of us because we’re always running to the next thing. Learn to say “no”, set hard boundaries around the things that are important so you can show up fully, and only add more to your plate when your priorities are attended to. Listen to this episode for more New Year’s insight!
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Hi! I’m
Nicholas Wilton
the founder of Art2Life.
With over 20 years experience as a working artist and educator, I’ve developed a systematic approach that brings authenticity, spontaneity and joy back into the creative process.
Join me and artists from all over the world in our Free Art2Life Artists Facebook Group or learn more here about Art2Life.