Who Is My Style? – Magdalena Segui Cerda – Ep 56
November 16, 2022
About ten years ago, I went to Mallorca, Spain, to teach a workshop. It seemed a long way to go, but what I found once I arrived made the journey worth it. I held the workshop in a gorgeous stone villa. There were old olive trees and the nights were so warm, starry, and still. Participants could drop into this place quickly. They felt more inspired as soon as they arrived. However, what stirred me that first time, more than anything, was a massage I signed up for on a whim. It turned out it was not so much a massage, but a reading. A spiritual directional clarification. It was like a mirror that made it possible to see more clearly the deeper parts of myself.
Meet Magdalena Segui Cerda. I have returned to Mallorca for over ten years to teach workshops and equally important, to work with Magdalena. She has an extraordinary, gentle way of helping others see and decipher their most genuine essence. I consider my work over the years with her as art and life guidance. Our best art comes when we look within ourselves and begin listening. There is wise guidance waiting within us all. Our souls already have the answers we seek. However, it is so easy to miss what is right before us. Magdalena has helped me see what I have overlooked. Join us for this conversation about the creative project we all share: The Project of Becoming.
Listen if you are interested in…
- Art as human evolution and the process of deciphering ourselves [3:18]
- The role of emotions in self-discovery and how art tracks our progress [12:44]
- Embracing the mystery within and understanding energy [19:15]
- Seeing our souls as a guiding force and the magnetism of our lives and art [28:44]
- Understanding intuition and the role it plays in authentic art [39:09]
- How Magdalena started her own journey and common challenges for those she works with [45:51]
Bring your emotions to life
Human beings are born into a physical world. One we can see, smell, hear, taste, and touch. And living in a physical world means we have physical needs. If we don’t eat, we’ll die! Plain and simple. The same can be said for the metaphysical world and our journey of self-discovery. Magdalena views emotions as food for the soul. It fuels everything going on at the core of who we are. However, we start from a place of disconnection. That gap is further wedged by society’s views on emotion and expression. In order to become who we are, we have to rescue our emotional bodies and help them feel again. Art is a great way to do that because it allows us to explore the depths of our emotions from the safety of our studios.
Mistakes are a part of the process
The beauty of using art as a tool for self-discovery is that you can, quite literally, see your progress. Gauging things like this can feel so abstract, but holding up two paintings that were finished a year apart can tell you a lot in terms of how far you’ve come and the journey still ahead. Gaining this awareness isn’t always easy because it requires us to look at the paintings we don’t like. To get up close and personal with our mistakes. As much as we may want to run from these moments, they are crucial to our growth as artists and people. The journey comes grinding to a halt if we can’t embrace our mistakes. We are on a journey of both light AND dark. Life is about duality, and self-discovery is learning to see the beauty in both.
Becoming a light
This project of becoming who you are is a lot like making art. Each of us artists builds our practice by bringing the things together that give us joy, spark our curiosity, and light our creative fires. The same can be said for developing our souls. It requires us to connect deep enough with ourselves to decipher what actually gives us life. In doing so, we begin to unravel the illusive mystery that is purpose. The closer we get to our purpose, the more magnetic we are to those around us, and the more our energy begins to attract the right circumstance and people. Our art is no different! Being conscious, self-aware, and connected to our purpose is how we create authentic art and develop our voice. Work of this quality has a certain energy to it. People can see it from a mile away. Even if they can’t explain it. This is why self-discovery is so important. Only when we know ourselves can we know how and where to be a light in the darkness.
Connect with Magdalena Segui Cerda
- Email Magdalena
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Hi! I’m
Nicholas Wilton
the founder of Art2Life.
With over 20 years experience as a working artist and educator, I’ve developed a systematic approach that brings authenticity, spontaneity and joy back into the creative process.
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