January 2, 2022

The Benefits of Showing Your Work

This past week, I opened my new work at Julie Nester Gallery in Park City, Utah. Due to Omicron, winter storms in Utah, and the delays at the airports, I considered not attending. However, in the end, I went to the opening. I am so glad I did! Seeing the work out of my messy studio, hung in a clean, well-lit space, I could see how my work has evolved more clearly. The opening was, in a way, the completion of this most recent body of work in 2021.

I thought I would share a few of the key takeaways from this experience with you today.

Have a listen…

Pushing your visual language and yourself into unknown territory, be it with color, mediums, or ideas, is a key part of a new body of work. Having an intention for your work creates a certain pressure that can move your art forward. Having a non-moveable deadline can help. I used to worry that my new work would be too different and not like me, but that simply never is the case. Having an opening where you can see all the work together solidifies that truth. What also helps clarify is when others see and feel the changes – that’s exciting! Presenting your work in a show is a significant endeavor that gives back so much.

Do you have any plans to create a new body of work this year? Let us know in the comments!

Be sure to check out this Wednesday’s Art2Life podcast. I am talking to Dillon Froelich, an amazing artist who demonstrates how much variety and fun can be jammed into this thing called art-making.

Click here to subscribe to the Art2Life Podcast!

I hope this New Year is already going well for you!


PS Check out the Free Art2Life Artists Facebook Group. Every day, artists from all over the world are creating amazing art, and you are invited!

Nicholas Wilton

Hi! I’m
Nicholas Wilton
the founder of Art2Life.

With over 20 years experience as a working artist and educator, I’ve developed a systematic approach that brings authenticity, spontaneity and joy back into the creative process.

Join me and artists from all over the world in our Free Art2Life Artists Facebook Group or learn more here about Art2Life.

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